Ukrainian School in the USA

The US educational market is one of the most liquid and profitable in the world. A particularly dynamic segment is schooling. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the US labor market has generated a high demand for intellectually developed and professionally qualified personnel under the condition of a deficit of the corresponding supply. The reason for this problem is the inadequate quality of school education, which is responsible for the basic intellectual development.
In this regard, in the United States in recent decades, huge amounts of both public and private funds are being invested in the school system. Along with the network of public schools, charter schools have also been developed, which are non-profit structures initiated and managed by communities that independently determine the academic and professional specialization of schools, taking into account the interests of the community, in addition to state minimum educational standards. Financing of such schools is carried out from the state budget according to the number of students enrolled in the school and under the condition of guaranteed minimum quality of education. Thus, charter schools are motivated to improve the quality of teaching and to attract the maximum number of students. As a result the mechanism of market competition has been implanted in the system of state school financing.
Understanding the importance of quality education for the future success of the modern person encourages a significant number of affluent families of America to send their children to study in private schools that provide a quality of education that is much higher than the average public one.
All these circumstances together increase the demand for quality school education in the US, turning it into a high liquid segment of investment.
In addition, the problem of the quality of school education is not so much a problem of the US as the current global problem in general. The task of the traditional school has been to meet the labor market needs in personnel with special knowledge. The essence of school education has been reduced to the transfer to students of certain fragments of knowledge, determined by compilers of educational programs with an emphasis on the use of methods of an external motivation of students. As a result, widespread and domination of the conformist type of personality in the modern world has become the final product of this educational approach while a special demand for creative, thus, contra-conformist, personality has risen upon the development of information technologies.
The search and development of fundamentally new school methods around the world based on the internal motivation of children for learning, activation of their cognitive logic, intensification of the educational process and formation of a creative and highly intellectual personality has become the natural response to the issues affiliated with the traditional school. Unique from this point of view is the school methodology "Intellect of Ukraine", developed by Ukrainian scientists, and, both in Ukrainian and in the English languages. This technique is aimed at fostering an intellectual personality with highly adaptive social qualities through hyper intensive development of intelligence using the technologies of group educational and motivational games, the presentation of educational material in the format of cause and effect communications, the development of associative thinking and panoramic perception of the world, NBIC (Nano/Bio/IT/Cognitive)-converged learning, eureka-type (creative) mastering of the material, educational propaedeutics, rational reading, step-by-step formation of mental actions and interval repetitions.
The school methodology "Intellect of Ukraine" has become widely spread in many cities of Ukraine. It has proved in practice its uniqueness from the point of development of a highly intellectual personality. It is even difficult to imagine the powerful commercial potential this methodology can possess in case of its application in the high liquid US educational market.
In this context, the Foundation for Academic and Educational Innovation invites schools, businesses and investors to participate in a program of creating a network of a Ukrainian School in the United States. Business plans for the organization of schools can be adapted to the wishes of investors. Schools can be organized both in the form of a company exclusively owned by the investor and in the form of a joint-stock corporation with shares divided between major and minor shareholders. "Ukrainian School in the US" can be both newly created, and on the basis of existing schools and kindergartens.
Anyone who may be interested in the creation of the "Ukrainian School in the US", please contact us via the addresses and phone numbers listed in the "Contacts" section.