American School in Ukraine

Modern methods of online education are increasingly penetrating into our lives. They open up opportunities for distance learning in educational institutions regardless of their location. This is especially important and convenient in the context of globalization of the modern world, including the education system. Training in national and international programs, including online training in subjects not available in the national curriculum, allows graduates to simultaneously obtain national and foreign certificates, and diplomas, confirming their qualifications for further training and work in multiple countries.
Another important quality of a person in the modern world is the ability to coexist and interact with different cultures, adapt to different cultural environments, and possess the qualities of multiculturalism. These skills are formed from childhood, and therefore, multicultural education and learning of foreign languages should occur from early childhood, starting in kindergarten and continuing throughout school.
A special place among foreign languages belongs to the English language, the recognized language of international communication. Statistics show that those countries, in which there is a widespread of the English language along with their national language of communication, are distinguished by high development rates and living standards. These countries include Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, Luxembourg and some others. And, vice a versa, those countries in which the spread of the English language is insignificant, have difficulties in their development and social well-being.
In this context, the Foundation for Academic and Educational Innovations offers Ukrainian preschool and school educational institutions, businessmen and investors to participate in a program of creating a network of American kindergartens and schools in Ukraine that combine the best Ukrainian educational technologies, parallel online study programs in the American school, multicultural and linguistic training with active participation of students in international exchange programs and overseas internships.
As a basic teaching methodology in the kindergarten and the school, the training methodology "Intellect of Ukraine", developed by Ukrainian scientists, is offered, both in Ukrainian and in English. This technique is aimed at fostering an intellectual personality with highly adaptive social qualities through hyper intensive development of intelligence using the technologies of group educational and motivational games, the presentation of educational material in the format of cause and effect communications, the development of associative thinking and panoramic perception of the world, NBIC (Nano/Bio/IT/Cognitive)-converged learning, eureka-type (creative) mastering of the material, educational propaedeutics, rational reading, step-by-step formation of mental actions and interval repetitions.
As a specialization, beginning with the kindergarten, children will be taught English and other languages of choice, combined with studying the cultures of those countries whose languages children will learn. There is also a plan to organize direct interaction of Ukrainian schools with American schools, Ukrainian and American students from the same age groups through online video-teleconferences and the organization of friendship clubs.
Beginning with middle school, students will be actively involved in international exchange programs, in American summer camps and study tours to American schools. Participation in exchange programs can occur on a reciprocal basis with the invitation to Ukrainian schools of American students.
Beginning with high school, the online study in the American school, particularly in those subjects that are compulsory for study in the American school, but are not provided for in curricula in Ukraine, will be a compulsory part of the curriculum in addition to the one provided for in the Ukrainian curriculum. While graduating the school, Ukrainian students will receive both a Ukrainian school diploma and an American school diploma, which is recognized not only in the United States, but in virtually all European countries, English-speaking countries and many others, and gives its holders the same rights to further education and employment as for graduates of American schools.
Moreover, students at their discretion will be able to study online and receive relevant American professional certificates and pass Advanced Placement Courses. Professional certificates will give students enough qualifications to work in the United States. Students who accomplish Advanced Placement Courses receive certificates confirming their additional academic knowledge of the school subjects that will significantly increase their chances to enroll in the most prestigious higher education institutions of the United States and other countries, to receive scholarships and college credits.
"American School in Ukraine" can be, both newly created, and organized on the basis of existing schools and kindergartens. Anyone interested in starting the "American School in Ukraine", please, contact us via the addresses and phone numbers listed in the "Contacts" section.